Day 42: Headed West from Yellowstone

It was so nice to finally have a late-ish wakeup and no urgency to leave the RV. We had asked for the kids to wait until 8 a.m. for snuggles, but by 7:30 they were asking to start the day early, so we did.

We got everything packed up and then headed out for one final Yellowstone picture per Cooper’s request.

Once on the road it was smooth sailing. We are loving these interstate days; the roads are so nice! We are now on I-90 and will be here for the next 700 miles.

Gas stop windshield cleaning, photo credit: Cooper
Some major construction means partial shoulder driving for miles
Catching our campsite planner in action, photo credit: Cooper

Rob found us another incredible site for the night at Sloway Campground in Montana. We had a nice walk around the campground, ate dinner outside, then enjoyed an evening relaxing and whittling away at the sand/dirt clumps using the rough pine branches as tools.

Digging for compacted whittling dirt/sand clumps
Ending the night sliding down the hill pretending they are changing tires on race cars
Cooper made a S’more
Love this kid and his love of digging

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