Day 33: Relaxing Family Time

Today marks Rob’s last day of working while we are in Jackson Hole and for the rest of our trip. We are excited to get back to being able to adventure with him during the day, too!

We started out the morning by moving Winnie to an open lot so the septic guy could access the driveway. While Rob’s parents waited for him to arrive, the boys and I walked George up the hill.

Winnie’s views for the day toward the Tetons
Winnie’s view for the day toward the town ski hill

Nana and Nicholas had their lunch date to Wendy’s, because McDonald’s was closed for construction (he is a fast food connoisseur). One of the highlights for Nicholas was getting to have a strawberry Fanta soda for the first time.

Cooper and I had our date at home. After lunch we did what Cooper would dream of doing everyday: we played five hours of Monopoly.

Today’s activity was making rice krispy treats with Nana. Her secret to making them extra delicious is to add peanut butter.

The night ended like most do here, watching cooking shows with Pop-Pop. Tonight’s show was more of a game show style using a conveyor belt to make sushi. The boys were laughing hysterically as the rolls would fall on the floor. We had to follow this up with watching the Lucille Ball chocolate conveyor belt clip, which they also found hilarious.

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