Day 29: A Chill Day

Today was a chill day in Jackson. The kids woke up at their typical 7 a.m. but watching TV with Nana and Pop-Pop is better than Mom and Dad snuggles, so they barely even stopped by our room in the morning. This resulted in us sleeping in crazy late–9 a.m. in fact. It felt amazing!

After breakfast we walked George up the hill, and the boys tried out their new hiking backpacks with water reservoirs.

Rob had another day of work and did much of it from his parents’ beautiful deck.

Today’s activity was chopping down trees. The boys both really wanted to use a chainsaw, which both Rob and I have never used before. As a child I remember my grandpa cutting open his knee with one, so I’ve been reluctant to try to use one. After some strong negotiation, the boys agreed to using hand saws instead, and we cut down some aspens from their yard.

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