Day 43: Perfect Drive Break

We had too much driving left to make it in one day, but couldn’t figure out how best to break it up. That is when the stars aligned and my long time friend, Jennifer, invited us to her cabin on Newman Lake.

We enjoyed an incredibly relaxing start to the day. Rob made us yummy pancakes, eggs, and sausage for breakfast which we enjoyed outside at our picnic table. Then the boys, still in their jammies, went out to the river to watch a train go by. They got distracted, ending up back at their digging ground from last night.

It was a smooth drive to Newman Lake boat launch, where we ditched the RV before continuing to her house in just the car. There was an incredible group of people there making our time with them so much fun. The boys both got to try tubing behind the boat for the first time. Nicholas was hesitant, but decided to give it a try with me, and Jen was an expert driver giving him the calm ride he wanted. Cooper was up for a bit more of an adventure and went with two different friends including one swift dismount into the water when they hit some bigger waves. Seeing all the kids playing in the lake together on the “fun island” felt like the perfect summer day and was so good for everyone. Thanks again, Jen, Nick and Zoey, for hosting us; what an incredible afternoon!

Cooper and Zoey
Nicholas and me

Once back on the road we made a little more progress before settling in for the night at a rest stop just west of Spokane. Only four hours of driving left tomorrow to get home.

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