Day 36: Goodbye, Tetons

We wrapped up our time in Jackson this morning with the art fair and some touristy pictures in front of signs. The talent on display at the art fair is incredible, and so I felt very lucky to get to catch the first day of the show on our way out of town. Since this is the “year of National Park pictures” we decided to take them for Teton and Jackson for the first time too.

Walking the art fair. Nicholas is less impressed.
Apparently today we were dressed like the rainbow
Goodbye Nana, Pop-Pop, and George
Getting the RV back down the hill ended up being super easy, but Nicholas rode with me in the car just to play it safe

Rob did all the driving today: three hours of narrow roads with some pretty good bumps along the way. We decided to avoid Yellowstone park traffic and took the road to the west through Victor and Driggs. We were all a bit surprised to learn that our campground (in West Yellowstone) is in Montana instead of Idaho.

This is the pass we always fly over, so it was really cool to get drive it, too
At the top of Teton Pass

Once settled in to the campground, the boys enjoyed some bike riding and we even rode to the nearby post office to drop off some cards for some important birthdays coming up.

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