Day 20: Triple Digits

We are true Seattleites, so heat is a tough challenge for our family. Knowing this, we were up and out of the RV at 6:30 a.m. today to hike before it got too hot. We’d also heard the park closes due to crowds around 7:30 a.m. each day. Plus, Rob had his first meeting at 11.

First views in Arches National Park

The campground was just 10 minutes away, so we were through the entrance before 6:45 (and before anyone was on duty to check passes). Our destination was Delicate Arch, one of the most popular ones here. Apparently, it was also a morning destination for many others; the parking lot had filled at 6:45, so we were waved on when we got there at 7. The next parking lot, about a mile away, had a short hike to an overlook of the same arch, so we did that instead.

Delicate Arch in the far away center background, as viewed from the overlook

We scored on our way back, as the parking lot for Delicate Arch had opened up and we were able to give the hike a go. It was a 1.6 mile hike each way. We hadn’t had the time pressure this trip, but due to Rob’s 11 a.m. meeting, we had to move with some urgency.

The arch was super cool, even in the morning (afternoon is the ideal time to visit due to the light from the southwest). There was a long line to get pictures under it, so we skipped that, but took some from a bit further away.

We are the tiny specs of people at the bottom, to give you an idea of scale

After dropping Rob off at the RV for his meetings, the boys and I ate an early lunch, then headed back to the visitor center. We picked up another Junior Ranger packet, along with the badges, and headed back. We did a bit more relaxing, trying to stay quiet while Rob worked. Cooper and I hit the pool, which is smaller, but the perfect temperature. Rob and Nicholas stayed back, but the RV temps were getting unbearable at 90+ degrees. He had the genius idea to turn on the RV, to have the truck A/C supplement the electric one. We look forward to everyone going to the pool tomorrow to help beat the heat.

The night ended with us trying to use another site’s shaded picnic table, but getting caught as the people arrived just as we were setting up for dinner. We opted for our camping chairs around an invisible campfire ring instead, and the outside breeze and time out of the RV was fantastic. Tonight’s dinner was hot dogs and asparagus cooked outside by me on the griddle, since we were desperate not to add more heat to the inside of the RV. Campfires weren’t allowed, but Nicholas had read you can make s’mores in the microwave, so we did that.

To help the kids fall asleep, we turned the truck engine back on to get more A/C. Then we ended the night trying to stay cool ourselves.

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