Day 13: Goblins Galore

From our Hanksville campground base we plan to visit two parks: Goblin Valley State Park and Capitol Reef National Park. After some research last night, we decided the shorter adventure would be better for today and headed out to see the Goblins.

Our first stop was the Three Sisters Goblin, the most famous formation. The kids are obsessed with digging and loved how easily the compacted dirt in other parts of the park broke apart. After making promises they could do more at the next stop, we were able to get them back into the car to explore the rest of Goblin Valley.

Senior portrait worthy

Goblin Valley is super cool and feels so random, like it was dropped from the sky. There are no trails here, and they encourage you to explore, climb, and play on all of the hoodoos. We all had a blast, even in the midday heat. We found some shady spots for some more digging/exploring, but then headed back to the car as we were all pretty spent from the sun and heat.

Cooper loved the climbing
Another cave was explored
It looked like dripping chocolate, especially after the recent rains

Today brought back similar feelings of playing on the dunes at White Sands. We also passed a place on the highway that we all felt mimicked a classic XXX building, but failed to get a picture. Just know we saw in real life what nature created and is copied by XXX.

Cooper mimicking his flying arms like he did at White Sands

Once back to the RV we had some more downtime, showered, and headed out to the restaurant at the campground. We ate outside with some flies, since we are still trying to avoid as much COVID exposure as possible. Our meals lived up to the great reviews we read. The reviews also mentioned their amazing cornbread, which Rob discovered in one of our to-go boxes. It ended up being the highlight of the meal, especially with the included cinnamon butter.

A view of our spot at Duke’s Slickrock Campground

A quick video about Capital Reef National Park and some reading time capped off the night before an early bedtime, so we could get an earlier start tomorrow.

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