Day 11: Wildlife Loop and Needles Highway

Today we kicked off the day with a 1 mile hike around Legion Lake while Rob jumped on an early work call. It was gorgeous and amazing, even after Cooper fell and got a couple bloody knees. You know that feeling when you search for band-aids in your bag and actually find them? It’s the best.

Big rock at the end of Legion Lake
Definition of a hot mess: Giving a very upset Cooper a piggyback ride while Nicholas zaps bugs on our hike. But we did it, and there were soon smiles to follow.
Nicholas at the halfway point

After wrapping up the school and work day, we opted for a family adventure exploring the Needles Highway. It was so beautiful, and the fall colors had already started to arrive–we noticed a change even over the last couple days.

The youngest deer we have seen so far; so many spots still.

This was along a very windy road, impossible to drive in our RV, so we’re glad we had the car.

A bonus stop at Hidden Cave park

The tunnels on the road were crazy narrow, one-lane passages blasted from the rock.

The first tunnel. They would get even narrower.
So cool to touch the walls as we drove through
Cathedral Spirals in the distance, inspiration for Mount Rushmore
This was not the best place for a stone sculpture.
Needles Eye Tunnel, the smallest tunnel on the drive
Inside the Needles Eye Tunnel
Sylvan Lake at dusk to wrap up our driving tour of Needles Highway
Getting a good night’s rest after a very full day

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